Befree4iPhone is a remote connection utility for the iPhone. It actually would work in other scenarios as well. When you install the application to your Windows computer, it will create a sort of remote access server on your computer. Then, it will broadcast your computer with a service that you can access from the iPhone's Safari browser. So, in theory, it could work with other browsers. On your iPhone, you can connect to the computer and use it as if you were there. It is a shame that the application does not feature copy and paste functionality, since the iPhone lacks it. Since there isn't a right button on the iPhone, all your actions will be carried out via menus. If you want to open (click) an item, simply tap on it and a menu will show up. If you want to click it, select click. It is really easy to use. The speed will depend on the connection that you are using. If you use EDGE or 3G to connect, Befree4iPhone will be really slow. It works great with wireless Internet connections though. This is a freeware application. There is a professional version that even allows you to connect to your PC's webcam and see what's going on at home.